Saturday 23 January 2021

Tricked by the Light

The sun was bright today, the sky a deep cloudless blue, and I thought it would be an excellent chance to take the dog for a long ramble. Maybe we'd even follow along the river, which we hadn't done since summer. So I bundled up, grabbed the leash, and stepped out.

Cold. Cold cold. Like, eyeball-slapping, nostril-pinching, headache-inducing cold. We made it about three blocks and then ran for home.

Now I'm sitting in the living room, basking in the toasty sunlight pouring through the window and eating homemade strawberry ice cream. I'm ignoring the sight of the snow congregated in the corners of the yard and am pretending it's summer. From a safe distance.

Outside, I can see a very fluffed-up squirrel huddling on the fence, the strong wind ruffling his fur. I guess he was lured out by the sunlight too.

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