Tuesday 31 May 2016

My Amazing Husband

I went home last night and found my husband making dinner. I could see we had a little while before it would be ready, so I told him I was going to hurry out and mow the lawn before we ate.

"It's already done," he said.

"Oh wow! Thanks! Well, then I'll run over and get the straw for mulching the garden."

"Already got it. It's in the backyard."

And he'd cleaned the pool. And done the grocery shopping. And filled the hydroponic tanks with more solution. And booked the vet for the dogs. And dealt with a crisis (baby accidentally locked in hot car - called the police - ended up breaking the window to get him out - all's well).

In short, everything I could think of that needed doing, he'd already done it. And today he's going to go sit at the shop for four hours while they fix the car window. He's positively heroic.

As Father's Day approaches, I feel more and more grateful for the man I married almost 30 years ago.

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