Sunday 12 May 2024

An Expensive Lesson Learned

Apparently my son has been ordering UberEats so often that the local wildlife has come to anticipate it. Last night a skunk lay in wait, and as soon as the delivery guy set the bag on the step and moved away, the skunk snagged it. He'd eaten part of my son's chicken sandwich before he even got the door open. My son flashed the car lights and honked the horn (remotely, using the key fob) to scare it away (thus waking me up so I got to witness some of this), but it was too late to rescue the sandwich. An expensive lesson learned. We might install one of those old-fashioned boxes like the milkman used to leave deliveries in, to keep animals out of future meals. 

I am somehow tickled that the skunk apparently has a taste for piri-piri.

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