Sunday 10 May 2015

The Meaning of Doggedness

Now I know where we get that word. Today I took some Mother's Day time to myself and took the dogs on a peaceful ramble through the local woods. Cool breeze, lovely sunshine, budding trees, and a carpet of beautiful trillium in bloom. It's a walk we've done frequently. But today Maple, my Shih Tzu, found it too difficult. By the time we were halfway there, he was stopping to lie down in the shade, tongue lolling. Three quarters of the way, and his head was down and ears were back, and you could tell he was just pulling for home out of sheer determination. When he started limping, I picked him up and carried him the rest of the way.

He scrambled up the step to the house and went to collapse on the kitchen floor, spread eagled on the cool tile. He was grinning, though, as if to say "I made it!"

It's sad when your sweet little puppy starts to age. I'll have to modify the walks for him. He just isn't up to what he once could do. A sad reminder that we are all getting older. But also a reminder that we can still grin and, tongue hanging out, declare ourselves unbeaten.

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