Sunday 5 September 2021

The impact of social media

I was walking the dog through the little park by our house, and I saw a young boy, maybe ten years old, sitting at the top of the slide on the playground. He wasn't sliding or just chilling, though -- he was hunched over sobbing audibly. Of course I stopped and asked him if he was okay.

Embarrassed, he told me he was fine and he didn't want attention drawn to himself, so I let him know I was available to talk if he wanted to, and I continued my walk. Another circumlocution around the park and I returned to the slide, where he continued to weep. So I stopped and asked him again if there was anything I could do for him. I told him I didn't feel I could just walk away and leave him like that.

He wiped his eyes and then wobbled his phone at me and said, "Just some minor drama." Ah. I talked to him for a moment and acknowledged that sometimes the drama didn't feel minor, and that I was there for him if he needed me, and that things could get better. He thanked me and said he'd be okay, and he seemed a bit steadier by then. So I gave him a lame and useless "Hang in there" and continued home. But the words I really wanted to say to him were "Hang up your phone! Those aren't your true friends. Stay off the social media for a while and let it fade. You don't have to read hurtful things. You can hang up on it and get it out of your life with the click of a button." 

Poor kid. When I walked back again a bit later, he had gone. I hope he can talk to his parents about what's upsetting him. How much damage a thoughtless or cutting remark can make! We have to work to keep such things out of our lives, and teach our children they are worth so much more than a "like" on facebook!

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