Sunday 16 August 2020


You may recall that last year I trialed three new tomatoes developed by the University of Florida. I had seeds left from two of them, so that's what I planted again this year. And once again they have flourished, turning into medium-sized trees that bend the wire tomato cages with their heavy branches, despite my pruning them faithfully. The tomatoes are the size of softballs, meaty and juicy and flavourful and such a deep colour that I know they must be vitamin-rich.

I had one plant go rogue and develop blossom end rot, so I doused it with calcium, and it has started turning out good fruit now. I'm picking about ten a day right now, but there's lots more to come. After eating all I could stand in every form I could think of, I stewed a bunch and froze them for future spaghetti sauces, even though they're beefsteak and not really paste type. But the flavour will be amazing this winter when I use them. I'll probably have to stew a few every day to keep on top of them all.

Such abundance! Such generosity!

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