Tuesday 4 February 2020

How Brio Fared at the Kennel

So apparently Brio got the luxury spa treatment at the kennel while we were away. They let him hang out at the front desk with them, he got free run of the place, he had cats walking around the office to entertain him, and he got a bath and nail clip. Since he returned home, he has been lying on the couch like a fuzzy pillow, giving periodic audible sighs. Clearly bored now after his big adventure.

On the plus side, when I took him to run off-leash in the park and chase his beloved red ball, you could tell he has missed being able to run free (no off-leash facilities at the kennel). There is nothing more joyous than a dog running toward you across the field with a ball in his mouth, his ears flying out behind him, and that gleeful light in his eyes.

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