Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Trade Deficits

Donald is upset that the U.S. is running a trade deficit with Canada. As far as I understand it, that means the U.S. is importing more than it's exporting. So is it that he wants Canada to buy more from the U.S.? He does realize, doesn't he, that Canada only has an 8th of the population the U.S. has and that our economy is small in comparison? The U.S. doesn't really have anything I want, personally. If the imbalance really bothers him, then why not have the U.S. buy less? Well, come to think of it, I suppose that's just what will happen when the tariffs are put in place. 

He also wants Canada to spend more on our military. While saying he wants to annex Canada. It's like breaking down the door and storming into someone's house to harangue them into spending more on dead bolts. Oh, and he wants us to buy those dead bolts from him.

I really need to stop watching the news. It's driving me crazy.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

CBC News Clip

I just watched a CBC news clip of Prime Minister Trudeau in Halifax talking about the U.S.'s proposed tariffs against Canadian imports. In it, Trudeau says we shouldn't be making "our opponent's" arguments for him.

Not our ally. Our opponent. Did anyone else catch that?