Thursday 20 June 2024

Meanwhile, upstairs...

This is going on above me. Floor being sanded three times and sealed three times to bring it back to its original natural colour. Will look amazing!

Writing Madly

I got word that my next manuscript has been accepted and is coming out in January 2026. This one is a non-fiction about making your life reflect your values. I've got some re-organizing and rewriting to do, so I've come up to the church we're renovating (we call it the cottage, which brings to mind a charming lakeside retreat with a woodstove, but don't let the term fool you. It's a full-on construction zone with boxelder bugs hatching out) to focus for a couple of weeks. Days spent at work, evenings spent musing and writing and muttering to myself and pacing and anxiety-eating and going for walks to visit the goats up the street and watching Hallmark movies and baking and more writing. It's my process.

Saturday 15 June 2024

You know you didn't get enough sleep when...

 You know you didn't get enough sleep when you turn on the dishwasher before going to bed, and the dishes are still hot when you go to have breakfast the next morning. Lukewarm Raisin Bran. Yum.