Tuesday 1 November 2022

Coming to Canada

This week marks 33 years since we moved to Canada. It's hard to fathom how it could be that long. It has been an incredible journey, and I feel we've landed in a good spot. We've raised our children, had grandchildren, bought property, finished our schooling, dealt with health issues, worked at solid jobs. We have made friends, gotten involved in our community, and gotten to know the interesting places around us. This part of Canada is gorgeous, especially in the fall, with so many rivers and waterfalls and parks that invite wandering. There's just enough "wildness" close to home to nourish my soul.

I do miss the mountains. I do wish I could be there for my family's gatherings and ball games and celebrations. Canadian politics can sometimes disappoint. But Ontario is home now, where I've put down comfortable new roots, and I look forward to exploring more of Canada. 

On the weekend I went walking in Rattray Marsh and sat beside Lake Ontario for a while, just soaking in the last of autumn's sunshine and feeling the breeze on my face and feeling lucky to be alive and here in this place. The temperature was perfect, the light on the silver water was perfect, and the thump of my shoes against the boardwalk was satisfying. A Great Blue Heron watched serenely from not far away as I passed. I found myself thinking, "No matter what days may follow, I have had this perfect day, and the memory of it will carry me through whatever comes next."

Thank you, Canada, and the lovely people I've met, for letting me join you.

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