Friday 17 November 2023

In which Kristen goes down the rabbit hole

I just watched Survival Lilly's Youtube video about the European Union's moving to a digital ID and wallet for everyone. She makes some good points about how unnecessary it is, and showed how it works in China currently. I admit I found it chilling. I don't even own a cell phone. I and a lot of other segments of the population will be essentially eliminated.

It got me to thinking -- all of this will only work if we go along with it. The Grand Reset can only be defeated by a Grand Refusal. If we all boycotted it, they'd have to listen. If they won't pay us if we don't have a digital wallet, then I guess we don't go to work. If we can't get into grocery stores without a digital ID, then I guess we don't shop. How long would it take before everything ground to a halt? You see, the government needs us to be good little workers and consumers. And even government officials have to eat, and they rely on the same supply chain we do. If farmers stopped selling to conglomerates, if truckers stopped shipping, if packagers stopped packaging, if water treatment plants closed down, and if the media stopped pasting officials' faces across the long before the government started listening to the people? I bet it wouldn't take long at all. But you can't protest against a system you rely on. We have to get people to prepare and have at least a short-term supply so we're not shooting ourselves in the foot.

Some people say "If I don't go to work, they'll replace me with a robot." Maybe true, but first they'd have to scale up the production and programming and installation of robots, and that requires miners, engineers, electricians, truckers, and lots of other humans. If the workers don't produce the robots, the robots don't replace the workers. Besides, robots don't make good consumers. They need us humans for that role.

We have more power than we realize, but we have to be united in our refusal to participate. They've spent a lot of energy over the past few years getting us to splinter into polarized groups, to sow discord among populations, to make us see our fellow humans as competitors. We no longer say "We disagree," but we say "If you disagree with me, I hate you." It's interesting that they've destroyed unity just before they bring forth a system that can only be resisted if we're united.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Another dream...

Last night it was about replacing a leaky window. I think the renovations are starting to get to me. 

Monday 13 November 2023


I don't know. I thought nightly dreams were supposed to be mini escapes from reality, or ways of working out problems subconsciously, or bursts of creative formation of ideas. I've heard people tell of marvelous and thrilling dreams in full technicolour. Shouldn't dreams be about flying over the ocean like a bird, or discovering treasure, or dancing in starlight, or solving mysteries?

Maybe so. Maybe for other people. Not me. Last night I dreamt about dehydrating potatoes.

Saturday 11 November 2023

Remembrance Day Observation

It is November 11th, the day we pause to acknowledge the veterans and those affected by war, past and present. The busiest day of the year for us bagpipers. My husband played for the local Army-Navy Club here in Mississauga, which kindly gave the band a sum of money for participating. And the band is going to gift the money back, because the sad reality is that the Club is without heat because they're unable to afford the $70,000 it will take to fix their aging building's system. A Canadian winter approaching, and our veterans don't have heat.

This is shameful, and I want to do something about it. Why is there no government funding to support and update our local Legions? Legions and places like the Army-Navy Club play important roles as community hubs. In some small towns, they are the only social venue operating other than, perhaps, churches. They are probably the main reason bagpiping has stayed alive and vibrant in Canada, too. 

So this is a call-out for awareness, for compassion, for action. I'll find out what the best way is to go about fund-raising (a GoFundMe campaign, perhaps? I'm not tech-y and will have to do some research). Let's do something to give back to this organization that has done so much for Mississauga, and the veterans who have done so much for Canada. 

Garden still going in November!

My garden has been really weird this year. Peas finally coming up in late summer, green peppers still going in late October, and right now, in mid November, I have tomatoes blossoming and I can still go out and pick green onions, bok choy, lettuce, and kale for my morning omelette. The plants don't know if it's summer or winter. One day we get a hard frost, and the next day I'm out in my t-shirt, raking the few leaves that have started to fall. But lots of leaves still on the trees. Ah well, roll with it. This is our new unpredictable reality.

Picture below of about two thirds of my carrot harvest this year. I've frozen some, pressure canned some, and dehydrated some. All bases covered!