Saturday 11 November 2023

Remembrance Day Observation

It is November 11th, the day we pause to acknowledge the veterans and those affected by war, past and present. The busiest day of the year for us bagpipers. My husband played for the local Army-Navy Club here in Mississauga, which kindly gave the band a sum of money for participating. And the band is going to gift the money back, because the sad reality is that the Club is without heat because they're unable to afford the $70,000 it will take to fix their aging building's system. A Canadian winter approaching, and our veterans don't have heat.

This is shameful, and I want to do something about it. Why is there no government funding to support and update our local Legions? Legions and places like the Army-Navy Club play important roles as community hubs. In some small towns, they are the only social venue operating other than, perhaps, churches. They are probably the main reason bagpiping has stayed alive and vibrant in Canada, too. 

So this is a call-out for awareness, for compassion, for action. I'll find out what the best way is to go about fund-raising (a GoFundMe campaign, perhaps? I'm not tech-y and will have to do some research). Let's do something to give back to this organization that has done so much for Mississauga, and the veterans who have done so much for Canada. 

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