Thursday 20 May 2021

A Cacophony of Cardinals

 You know how you get "group" names for various animals, like a Murder of Crows or a Gaggle of Geese? I think it should be a Cacophony of Cardinals. Inside the church where I'm staying, the walls are thick and I don't hear much from outside. But when I open the door at 5 a.m. to let the dog out, I'm blasted with the piercing polyphonic barrage of bird song. We especially seem to have a disproportionate number of cardinals, and they are loud. It's like nature's alarm clock, warming up first with a few tentative robin calls, like the orchestra tuning up, and then wham, they all let loose. I can hear some roosters getting into the game, too, from somewhere. There's no going back to bed once you've heard it -- I may not hear it from indoors, but how can you go back to sleep knowing there's all that life going on out there?

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