Friday 23 April 2021

Well-Being and Creativity

I am supposed to be working on some rewrites for the publisher and I had set aside the next couple of weeks to do it. Then on Sunday I threw my back out (go figure -- I can shovel 9 tonnes of gravel without a problem, but bending over to pick up a roll of duct tape did me in). And suddenly writing seems very difficult to do. It isn't just a matter of being uncomfortable sitting upright at a computer. When I don't feel well, I don't think or focus well, and the creative juices don't flow. I have found this in the past, as well. I think, for me, overall health is integral to tapping into creativity.

On the flip side, when all is right in my world, the sun is shining, and I feel happy, stories practically burst out of me and I can write a book in a week. 

But I think it's reciprocal. Tapping into that creativity can also promote my feelings of well-being and health. After a day of writing that has gone really well, I emerge feeling refreshed and contented with the life, as if I've had a deep restorative nap. If I go for long periods without writing, depression settles in, the aches and pains are more prominent, and the world takes on a grumpy gray light. So maybe there's a way to write myself to wellness.

Or maybe I just need to lie on a heating pad for a few days with a good book and enjoy someone else's creativity for a while.

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