Tuesday 16 February 2021

Manuscript has been submitted

 After about 40 hours of revision, the manuscript is done. Is it the best thing I've ever written and will it be nominated for a Giller prize? Probably not. But at some point you have to just turn off the computer and say "Good enough," because there's always more you could do if you really thought about it hard, but you can't drive yourself crazy, and I have to go back to my job today. So it's done, it's off, and last night I rewarded myself by watching Chocolat and drinking hot chocolate. While the snow piled gently up against my windows. A perfect ending to a tortuous day.

While rewrites are a challenge, I do enjoy the final bit, when the plot is birthed and the bones are assembled and the flesh is built up over them, and all that is left is the final grooming, the word choice here, the turn of phrase there. That part is the artsy-craftsy part that I enjoy most.

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