Thursday 24 August 2023

Harvest Season

It's my favourite time of year again -- curling up to watch a movie with bowls spread around me...No, not snacks. Shelling beans! I have grown about 16 different kinds of dry beans in the past, but my favourite are Beka Browns, and that's the only kind I planted this year. So prolific, and so delicious! I am always amazed at how rewarding dry beans are. Your rate of return is amazing, and they keep for ages. Each little crisp pod is a present, waiting to be opened to reveal its inner treasures.

Of course, there are also tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, beet greens, and green beans in the garden right now. The zucchini and cukes look like they're slowing down, though, and while I was away the green beans set a lot of seed, so they are slowing production now too. This is the best bell pepper season I've ever had. There's nothing more satisfying than giving away bags of tomatoes to neighbours, and the crunch of a homegrown cabbage is soul-satisfying. Keeping a garden is the best instant-happiness-inducing therapy I know of.

It's a dangerous time of year for me, though. I start eyeing the real estate ads and fantasizing about acreage, with vast garden plots and a woodlot and a stream and room for chickens and maybe an alpaca or two... Don't worry, I'll come to my senses again once harvest season is over. Meanwhile, it's stir-fried cabbage for supper and maybe a puff-pastry tomato tart for tomorrow's lunch.

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